
Rise and Thrive: A Science-Backed Guide to Crafting Your Perfect Morning Routine

Posted on April 3, 2023 Written by: 100% PURE®

Hey there, sleepyhead! Rise and shine! We know not everyone can wake up with a smile on their face, but that doesn’t mean you have to suffer through the day feeling groggy and unproductive. With the right morning routine, you can jumpstart your day and feel like a superstar!

Here’s why setting an effective morning routine is so important:

Sets the tone for the day: Starting your day off on the right foot can have a huge impact on your overall mood and energy levels. Activities like exercise or meditation can help you approach the day with a positive attitude and focus.

Increases productivity: By knocking out important tasks early in the day, you’ll feel more accomplished and motivated to tackle whatever comes your way.

Reduces stress: Incorporating relaxation techniques like meditation, deep breathing, or yoga into your morning routine can help calm your nerves and reduce anxiety.

Improves physical well-being: A morning workout or walk can help boost your energy levels and cognitive performance throughout the day.

Betters mental health: Taking time for self-reflection or journaling can help you focus on gratitude and reflect on your thoughts and emotions.

So, don’t hit that snooze button! Instead, start your day off right with a morning routine that energizes you and sets you up for success.

The Science Behind Morning Routines

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have it all together in the morning while others struggle to get out of bed? Well, science has an answer!

Research shows that people who plan their day and stick to a morning routine are more efficient and productive. Plus, it can help reduce anxiety and improve mental health. In fact, a study published in the Journal of Psychiatric Research found that participants who developed a morning routine that included exercise, meditation, and a healthy breakfast saw significant reductions in symptoms of depression and anxiety after just 8 weeks.

So, if you want to start your day on the right foot and feel your best, try incorporating some mindfulness practices into your morning routine. Whether it’s a quick meditation session or a healthy breakfast, taking care of yourself first thing in the morning can have a huge impact on your overall well-being.

Crafting Your Perfect Morning Routine

We’ve got some tips to help you craft the perfect morning routine that’ll have you feeling like a superstar.

Plan Your Routine

First things first, make a plan! Think about your personal goals and interests and create a routine that includes activities like exercise, meditation, journaling, or reading. Don’t forget to tailor it to your preferences!

Wake Up Early

We know, we know, it’s not always easy to get out of bed. But trust us, waking up at the same time every day (even on weekends) can help regulate your internal clock and make it easier to fall asleep at night.

Stay Hydrated

After a long night’s sleep, your body needs to rehydrate. So, start your day off right by drinking a glass of water or herbal tea. You’ll feel more alert and energized in no time!

Avoid Your Mobile

We’ve all been there – one quick check of your phone turns into an hour of mindless scrolling. So, try to resist the temptation and live in the moment instead.

Engage in physical activity

Want to shake off that morning grogginess? Try a high-energy workout! Not only will it boost your energy levels, but you’ll feel amazing once you start seeing those results.

Center Yourself With Meditation

For those who struggle with anxiety or overthinking, meditation can be a game-changer. Take a few minutes to clear your mind and improve your mental clarity.

Eat A Healthy Breakfast

You’ve heard it before – breakfast is the most important meal of the day! So, make it count by fueling up with healthy options like smoothies, eggs, quinoa, or oatmeal.

Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to morning routines. Keep trying different activities until you find a routine that works for you and your unique needs.

Essential Components of a Morning Routine

The purpose of a morning routine is to enhance one’s personal development. There are a few quick steps that when done every day can show a long-lasting effect. Those who don’t have a set routine in the morning are missing out on a greater lifestyle. Every good morning routine should have these components:

Nutrition and exercise for physical health

Burning out the calories and sweating out is a great way to start your day. After that, eat a balanced breakfast which will help in stabilizing blood sugar levels, improve concentration, and reduce cravings throughout the day.

Mindful practices for mental well-being

Before diving into a hectic day it’s best to set aside some time for yourself and do some meditation. This will help you not get overwhelmed and will save you from emotional exhaustion.

Morning skincare and Beauty Rituals

Taking care of your skin and appearance in the morning can help boost confidence and greatly improve self-esteem. This can translate into a more positive outlook and attitude throughout the day. Start your day with clean and cruelty-free brands that are gentle on your skin.

100% PURE Morning Skincare Routine

When it comes to daytime skincare, it’s all about keeping your skin protected from the elements. This means antioxidants, moisturizing, and most importantly, SPF.


You might want to be sitting down for this one: you don’t always have to wash your face in the morning.

Think about it: when we use cleansers, it’s to remove oil, dirt, sweat and makeup from your face so that your pores aren’t clogged later on.

But how much oil, dirt, sweat and makeup does your skin accumulate when you sleep? That is, unless you’re sleeping in makeup (please don’t do this).

Moreover, cleansing your skin tends to strip it of its natural oils, and while it can usually handle this in the evening, this has the risk of doing a little extra damage in the morning.

Instead, try starting your morning skincare routine with a splash of water to rinse and refresh.

But of course, there are always exceptions. For those of us with oily skin, or for those of us who wear extra occlusive moisturizers at night, we recommend an extra gentle cleanser for the morning, like our Rose Water Gel Cleanser or our Calendula Flower Cleansing Milk.

Antioxidant Serum

As we’ve already mentioned, your daytime skincare should be centered around protecting your skin, and antioxidants make an excellent means of defense against free radical damage.

So what, exactly, are free radicals?

Free radicals are, in essence, unstable molecules that latch onto the electrons of other matter in order to complete their chemical structures. Sometimes, free radicals latch onto our own electrons, and this causes what’s known as oxidative stress. And if you’ve ever seen rust on a bike, or a bitten apple turning brown, this is a general idea of what oxidative stress does.

Luckily, we can defend our skin with antioxidants, which prevent free radical damage by canceling them out.

We should all be getting plenty of antioxidants in our diet by incorporating lots of fruits and veggies, especially those with dark, rich colors like blueberries, sweet potatoes, and spinach.

Additionally, though, we can also use antioxidant serums in our skincare routine. Vitamin C serums are especially popular, and they can be fantastic as long as you’re using one with a stable formula like our Vitamin C Serum. But if you’re a little over it with the vitamin C craze, we recommend our Green Tea EGCG Concentrate Serum.


With so many exciting, sophisticated skincare products on the market, it’s easy to overlook the products that moisturize.

However, moisturizing is essential to a balanced skincare routine–not only will it keep your skin protected, plumped, and soft, but it will also help seal in any serums you apply for the day.

Unless you live in a cold, dry environment, it’s usually best to have a lightweight, fast-absorbing moisturizer in your skincare routine. We recommend our Tea Tree Balancing Moisturizer, or for a bit more nourishment, our Super Fruit Cream.


It’s difficult to exaggerate the importance of sunscreen.

UVA and UVB rays from the sun can penetrate our skin, causing premature aging by damaging the collagen and elastin fibers. And more alarmingly, sun damage has a direct link to skin cancer, which is one of the most common forms of cancer in the United States.

Because of this, sunscreen may be the most crucial step in your skincare routine, especially if anti-aging is a skincare concern for you. Our Green Tea Sunscreen combines the protective powers of SPF and antioxidants to create the ideal daily defense system.

Remember, creating a morning routine that prioritizes self-care and wellness is an individual process. It may take some time to find a routine that fulfills your needs. However, by making a conscious effort to prioritize self-care and wellness in your morning routine, you can take a proactive step toward improving your overall health and well-being.

In addition to self-care, prioritizing wellness in your morning routine can also have numerous benefits. This can involve activities such as drinking water or herbal tea, eating a healthy breakfast, getting exposure to natural light, following a relaxing and nourishing skincare rotuine and taking time to prioritize important tasks for the day.

By taking time in the morning to focus on activities that promote self-care and wellness, you can truly have a great day!