
Acne Treatment Guide

It’s time to turn the tables on acne, by scouting the enemy territory and fighting back with natural acne treatments!

Posted on October 16, 2024 Written by: 100% PURE®

What is acne, what causes it, and ugh – why won’t it just go away?! Trust us, we’ve all been there, and smack dab in the middle of a breakout is not a fun place to be. It can make us feel insecure about the way we look and in turn, we feel less confident or comfortable in our own skin. Breakouts can also make it feel like an impossible task to find an acne treatment that actually works for your acne prone skin.

June is National Acne month, so we’re ready to cover these common skin concerns all month long! We at 100% PURE know all about acne, how to improve acne, and have utilized the best skin care tips to formulate the best acne treatments – time to say bye to those stubborn bumps and pimples!

What Is Acne?

“Acne” is a blanket term for basically any bump or inflammation that appears on our skin. Acne is most common on our faces, but it can form anywhere; other common areas besides the face are the back and chest. A breakout can be something as simple as a hormonal pimple to something as complicated as a larger cluster of bumps with blackheads, whiteheads, and cysts. We can have multiple forms of acne on our faces at any given time, and some types of acne are genetic while others are developed.

Some forms of acne are so subtle that we don’t even notice them; they can appear as a slight texture on our skin’s surface, or other times hidden acne forms deep within our skin and isn’t visible on the surface. Acne bumps can be white, red, black, swollen, achy or rash-like in appearance.

All acne is essentially formed in the same way, but acne treatments vary greatly. Our pores or follicles become clogged, and inflammation ensues – blackheads, for example, are usually caused by dry skin buildup that creates a plug near the surface of our skin. These blockages within our skin consist of dirt and debris, which essentially trap oil beneath and create a pimple. The oil oxygenates, turns black, and then hardens before finally forming a blackhead.

Different types of acne have different symptoms, and are caused by various triggers. Luckily, all forms of acne are treatable, and by cycling in some natural acne treatments we can all be closer to our smooth, acne-free skin dreams.

4 Commons Forms of Acne, and How to Treat Each One

Alright friends, we’re taking one for the team here. Instead of subjecting you to the horrors of an acne Google image search, we’re giving you a mini breakdown on common forms of acne. Not all acne is created equal, so you’ll want to read below to determine which type you might be suffering from. P.S. Send all thank you notes to attn: content team!

Zero brain cells went into naming this particular type of acne. One of the most common types of acne for oily skin types, these tiny white bumps form because little bits of sebum and dead skin are clogging up your pores. The best acne treatment for whiteheads is gentle exfoliation, and to make sure you’re thoroughly cleansing your skin twice daily and after rigorous activities.

Yep, we’re all familiar with these bad boys. Blackheads are basically a whitehead, but with the added bonus of containing extra bacteria (gee, thanks). In this acne situation, your whitehead has basically oxidized, which is what’s changing the color from white to black. Geeewww. The recommended acne treatment to help combat blackheads is to use a charcoal facial cleanser, as well as gentle exfoliation to help deeply clear out your unhappy pores.

The megaladon of acne, cysts are quite simply the most miserable form of acne (in our humble opinion). You can feel these deep skin dwellers making their ascent to the surface for days, causing pain and tenderness in the skin. They’re deep down in your dermis, but are getting blocked and causing micro infections, aka that pain you’re feeling. Usually cysts are caused by fluctuating hormones and take much longer to heal. The best acne treatment plan of attack is to triage the area. First, start with an acne cleanser to flush out any bacteria or dirt. Double down by layering on an acne toner, then top off with an anti acne sheet mask.

PRO TIPS: If you seem to suffer from regular cystic acne, see a dermatologist for more targeted long term treatment plans.

Whoever came up with this name either has a stomach of steel or is just playing a gross onomatopoeia prank. We’ll be brief with this description, because this form of acne is exactly what it sounds like: a pimple formed with a center that is filled with white pus. Great. This type of acne usually forms when a hair follicle is plugged up or inflamed. While this acne wins the stomach-turning award, it also wins for easiest to treat.

The recommended acne treatment for fighting pustules is using a very warm compress, and slowly softening the pore. If you continue to warm the compress when it gets cold and reapply for several minutes, the pimple should naturally drain itself. If you can’t stop yourself from popping your pustule, at least use freshly cleansed hands with clean, trimmed nails.

What Causes Acne?

Though our diet does affect our skin, some acne causes are myths – like chocolate, thank goodness! – while others are real causes that can create bumps that last one day, or even as long as one year. The way we approach acne treatment for our skin before, during and after a breakout determines how long a breakout will last; so essentially, our lifestyle can cause acne if we aren’t careful! One major cause of acne is hormones, and unfortunately, we have little to no control over hormonal acne. Hormones tell our bodies to ramp up oil production, or sometimes to make none at all and can upset the delicate balance of our skin. For women, sometimes contraceptives with specific doses of hormones can positively (or negatively) affect our acne.

Other triggers include a variety of medications, environment, diet, and dirt. Since medications and environment are factors that sometimes we can’t change, we can create harmonious skin by maintaining a healthy diet with lots of leafy green vegetables (kale, spinach), proteins (broccoli, asparagus, avocado), and antioxidants (strawberries, blueberries, beets) and sticking to a curated skin routine – like a 10 step Korean skin care routine – to keep our faces clean. Luckily, curated skin routines with an emphasis on acne treatment are our specialty. Keep reading to discover the best organic and natural skin care products for the best in acne treatment.

How to Prevent Acne

In terms of lifestyle habits that hinder healthy skin, there are simple things we can do to bring our faces closer to being acne-free through a sometimes overlooked approach to acne treatment. We already mentioned diet, but another big tip is to change our pillowcases! We cannot say this enough – especially for those of us who sleep with our hair down or exposed. We would advise changing pillowcases at least once a week and using a silk pillowcase if that’s an option, as it’s gentler on our skin and hair.

Secondly, faces = no touching, especially with unwashed hands. We transfer so much dirt to our face when we scratch, blow our noses, tuck back hair, etc. Only touching in the morning and at night with freshly washed hands might seem a little extreme, but any little positive skin care change helps when implementing an acne treatment. Finally, and we have all heard this one before, but drinking as much water as possible is the key to flushing out toxins and attaining smoother, clearer skin.

Like we mentioned before, maintaining balanced skin is the key to being acne-free. We should avoid very harsh cleansers and any other chemicals that can wreak havoc on your skin. When it comes to makeup, we shouldn’t think that our beauty products are not skin care items.

Ultimately, anything we put on our skin should be skin care. With that said, conventional makeup products with skin-irritating chemicals and preservatives are not helping our skin care situation. We want to avoid acne treatment products with excess alcohol and especially acne treatment products that contain silicone which can clog our pores. But if you’re already deep into enemy territory – no worries, we’ve got your back with a natural acne treatment guide.

Step by Step Natural Acne Treatment Routine

Step 1: Cleanse and Tone
Once acne has arrived, we have to act fast to get rid of it. First things first, don’t pick the bumps. That can cause trauma to the skin that translates to scars and even hyperpigmentation. At the first sign of a breakout, we want to wash our faces and treat with something antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. Start off with our Tea Tree & Willow Acne Cleanser. Tea tree has powerful antibacterial properties, and its concentrated essential oil is especially powerful against acne. It helps to counteract bacteria, soothe inflammation, and neutralize excess oil for a shorter breakout period. The glycerin and lemon water inside help keep the rest of our skin balanced and hydrated.

Use this potent cleanser with a Konjac Charcoal Sponge. Made of the detoxifying konjac plant and bamboo charcoal, this soft sponge is strong enough to buff away impurities from your pores while still gentle enough for sensitive skin.

Formulated to complement our Tea Tree & Willow Acne Cleanser is our highly rated acne treatment: Tea Tree & Willow Acne Clear Astringent. This toner can be applied morning and night and dabbed on inflamed areas with a cotton bud for an extra dose of acne-clearing power.

Step 2: Exfoliate
As we mentioned before, acne isn’t just caused by excess oil, but also excess dry skin! Dead skin cells can build up and clog your pores too. Keep your complexion smooth and those pores clean by investing in a natural exfoliant. Our exfoliants don’t contain any plastic microbeads that are no good for the environment and our precious dermis. Instead, we harnessed the power of nourishing grape seed and acai berry to create a powerful facial scrub for pristine, glowing skin. Mix a quarter-sized amount on your fingers with water and gently massage onto wet skin. Who knew acne treatment could be this luxe! Read up on more juicy deets for how to exfoliate for your skin type.

Step 3: Spot Treat
Acne spots are like ex-boyfriends – they linger, and it’s annoying. We know exactly how to get rid of them, though. Our Dark Spot Remover acne treatment doubles as a toning serum with acne-fighting power. After cleansing skin, apply over face, underneath a moisturizer. Matsutake mushroom extract and lime work to help brighten acne scars naturally, without harsh skin lighteners that are actually your frenemies – they can often make the problem worse by irritating your skin with chemicals and bleaching agents. For more skin boosting power, we’ve included vitamin C to brighten and papaya to help speed up new skin production and collagen. Use regularly after a breakout, and even on blemish-free skin for a boost of radiance. This dark spot remover is a godsend in the world of acne treatments!

PRO TIP: Need more than a spot treatment? If you have widespread acne scars or are suffering from an extreme breakout, cycle some retinol into your PM routine. Retinol helps to stimulate healthy cell turnover to slough away pore-clogging dead skin cells, and reveal brighter skin. Use our Multi-Vitamin + Antioxidants Potent PM Serum for an all-over facial treatment, before your nightly moisturizer. Take care to wash your face the next morning after a retinol treatment, and follow with SPF. Any trace of retinol on your skin could worsen acne, and increase dark spots!

Step 4: Moisturize
Last but not least in your updated acne treatment routine, don’t forget to moisturize! If your skin is particularly prone to oil build up and acne flare-ups, you’ll want to focus more on pumping your skin with good ol’ H2O rather than oil (there’s a difference between moisturization and hydration!). Our lightweight, fast absorbing Hydra Drench Water Gel Cream hydrates your thirsty skin cells with omega fatty acid rich gel water from chia seeds. With the right levels of moisturization and hydration, your skin will be more balanced and stronger in your fight against acne.

PRO TIP: Does your acne-prone skin lean towards oily? Another acne-friendly moisturizer option is our Green Tea EGCG Concentrate Cream, which uses caffeine to tighten pores for controlled sebum production. It’s also useful for calming redness by constricting blood vessels, thanks to its natural caffeine content.

Add a Mask

If 4 steps of natural acne treatments aren’t enough, try adding a calming mask 3 times a week. Our Anti-Acne mask can be used between steps 3 and 4 to enhance your acne treatment, and is designed to work hard to fight on the front lines against acne.

With a base of soothing, extra gentle aloe, this mask takes care to hydrate and calm inflamed, irritated breakouts so you can get on with your day. It packs a double dose of hydration with hyaluronic acid, to keep skin from drying out — which can be a side-effect of heavily purifying acne-prone skin. Natural remedies like rosemary, willow, and parsley in this mask are designed to both soothe and purify acne-prone skin. The antibacterial, anti-inflammatory herbs provide a second wave of acne treatment by killing bacteria and calming puffiness and bumps.

We know acne treatments can be stressful and a chore, but at least natural acne treatment exists to keep acne at bay and help you fight a win-able acne battle. Maintaining a natural skin care routine with the best acne treatments on the market, treating our bodies like the precious temples they are, and incorporating targeted treatments is the most effective acne treatment to create glowingly smooth, refreshed skin.