Better together: discover the power of kindness and community spirit
Could being there for one another, as shoulders to lean on in tough times, be the secret to improving our mental wellbeing?
Do you know the one thing you’ll never regret? Being kind.
When times are tough, and we’re all being tested in just about every way imaginable, we can never underestimate the impact of a thoughtful gesture.
A simple, selfless act could mean more than you’ll ever know. In fact, studies have even shown that goodwill has a ripple effect, lending credence to the saying ‘No good deed is ever wasted,’ and reminding us of the power we all have to make the world a better place.
This is exemplified in the nature of community spirit – the idea of pulling together, and strength in numbers.
The stories shared in our feature on p25 of issue 68 demonstrate the huge difference you can make by looking out for each other. Be there for someone on your good days, and you’ll find a shoulder to lean on during your bad ones, too.
With this in mind, our article on how to be a great advocate on p19 is a must-read, revealing exactly what your mental health rights are, so you can stand up for yourself and others.
Plus, on p71 we share how to bridge the divide of miscommunication to help us all get on the same page, and on p55 we discover why letting go of grudges and relinquishing resentments could be key to finding freedom and peace for you.
Additionally, in this print edition you’ll find:
• Engaging features including 44 good news stories to make you smile, how to make the festivities more meaningful, and Kelsey Parker opening up about grief and giving back.
• Life-changing hacks on recognising the five ‘fs’ of stress, steps to heal from narcissistic abuse, and dealing with anxiety around post-birth sex.
• Expert insight on a variety of topics including what to do when you’re having an ‘off day’, breaking the taboo on bowel habits, and what to do if you’re feeling financially trapped.
At Happiful, we’re calling this the season of self-care, and one of the best ways to feel good about yourself is by helping others.
So, extend a kind thought, share a smile, lend a hand, a shoulder to cry on, words of advice, rallying calls of encouragement and, above all, just be there for one another.
As Winnie-the-Pooh once said, “Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart.”
Remember, a little kindness goes a long way.
Rebecca Thair
Happiful’s mission
Our company was built on the belief that everyone should have access to mental health support. And that’s a value we stand by today, with our completely free digital magazine ensuring that anyone in need has access to mental wellbeing help and information – with no financial barriers.
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